Are you a resident of Kirkham looking to secure your financial future? Through comprehensive financial planning services, Springfield Financial Services can help you achieve your financial goals.

With a population of around 7,000, Kirkham is a bustling town in Lancashire, UK. As you plan for your future, whether it be saving for retirement, creating a financial safety net or simply growing your wealth, Springfield Financial Services can provide the financial advice and planning tools to help you achieve your goals.

Navigating the complexities of pensions and retirement

Retirement planning is a vital component of financial planning. With people living longer and pensions becoming more complicated, it can be difficult to know where to start. At Springfield Financial Services, our pension specialists will help you navigate this complex terrain.

We will help you quantify your retirement income needs by utilising computerised cash flow modelling tools, where appropriate, before recommending a solution that allows you to achieve your retirement goals and aspirations.

Our team can advise you on existing pensions, new pensions, and other investments, pension transfers, pension tax relief, annual allowance planning (including carry forward, tapered, and money purchase annual allowances), lifetime allowance planning (including lifetime allowance protection), and pension sharing on divorce.

We will regularly review your overall retirement plan with you to ensure that the recommendations remain suitable based on your circumstances and an ever-changing economic and legislative backdrop.

Retire with confidence: Springfield can help you navigate the options available.

With the introduction of more flexible retirement options in recent years, there are many avenues to consider when deciding how to provide an income in retirement. We can help you understand the options available, such as pension commencement lump sum (tax-free cash) versus income, flexible access drawdown, uncrystallised fund pension lump sum, small pots, and annuities.

We will work with you to understand your income requirements and provide recommendations to make the most of your assets upon retirement using your available tax allowances and reliefs.

Maximising tax efficiency with Springfield Financial Services.

No one likes to pay more tax than they have to. With our expertise and careful planning, we can help you save tax by making optimum use of the various reliefs, allowances, and exemptions available to you.

Whether you are investing for growth, require an income from your investments, or are looking to pass funds on to younger family members, our team will aim to utilise the reliefs, allowances, and exemptions for income tax, dividend and savings income, capital gains tax, and inheritance tax.

We can use ISA allowances, pension tax relief (including annual and lifetime allowance planning), business relief, gift exemptions, and tax relief on VCT/EIS/SEIS investments.

The UK tax system is complex, and legislation is continuously changing. Regular meetings with one of our financial planners will help you be safe in the knowledge that your money is growing as tax efficiently as possible within the rules set out by HMRC.

Take control of your finances today: Contact Springfield Financial Services for expert financial planning advice.

Springfield Financial Services can provide you with the necessary financial advice and planning tools to help you achieve your financial goals. Whether you are planning for retirement, creating a financial safety net or simply growing your wealth, our team is here to help. Get in touch with us today to find out more about our financial planning services.


For further information or to arrange an initial no-obligation consultation at our offices or another mutually convenient location, please telephone us at 01772 729 742. Alternatively, fill out our online enquiry form, and we will call you to discuss your requirements.